13 October 2023


Saturday I left Santiago by train to Madrid. My flight home was Sunday, October 8th. I travelled by myself because Glen had a business trip to Holland scheduled. I feel bad for him. He left the peace of the camino and jumped right back into his hectic world.

I have the gift of coming home to a quiet house, a shower in my own bathroom, and sleep in my own bed 🥰. Bliss

I remember 4 years ago coming home and driving the next day to Pittsburgh because my daughter was watching Pico for me and I was anxious to bring him home. Actually I was a little afraid that he would forget me after 6 weeks 😮.

The trees along the highway were a fall rainbow of colors: orange, brown, yellow, and in between variations. It was beautiful and after the quiet walking of the camino it was more than my senses could bear. It was like a buffet of all my favorite foods but I was cramming so much in my mouth that it made me feel sick. Too much all at once.

Two years ago and last Sunday it was different. I was prepared. I knew what to expect. I had the knowledge of the transition ahead of me.

And so I’ve decided to revel in that transition. I’m taking things slow. Luckily Pico was only a 5 minute drive away. I let myself sleep and eat when I need to and my body, while still adjusting, is almost back to this time zone.

It’s been a quiet time of processing all that happened on this camino and I’m still processing. While I miss my time in Spain I’m glad to be home. I’m re-entering my real life…? Regular life? Everyday life? I don’t know what to call it. I suppose it’s my life through a camino filter.

I’m the meantime I’ll be planning my next camino 😊

Buen Camino

Published by michelleperram

I am me, a person with love for others, a passion to be creative, and a desire to be a cheerleader for others. I’m a wife, a mommy, and a grandma (you can call me by my grandma name “Lady M”). I’m on a search to grow and connect more fully with God. I didn’t grow up particularly church, married a man who had, and we raised our three daughters in the church. I found a place to belong in the church and somehow discerned a call to go to seminary. I received a Masters of Arts and Religious Communication (MARC). I went on to become ordained as a deacon in the United Methodist Church and served in media ministry and Christian education. As clergy I found that I didn’t have a place to belong in the church so I left the United Methodist Church in 2010. I still believe and I’m still on a quest to draw closer to God. And I’m going to walk the Camino de Santiago.

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